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transmission | Engine swap | engine | Discussion | Transmission Swap
What is your ultimate engine and transmission combo?

If you could mate any engine to any transmission, what would you pick and why?

Colin Wood
Engine swap | engine | Discussion
Tell us: “Horrible engines” that really aren’t that horrible

Is that engine really bad news, or is that just what the internet believes?

Colin Wood
Ferrari | V12 | Engine swap | 308 | FrankenFerrari
Do you have the guts to drill into a Ferrari engine? | The latest from FrakenFerrari, the V12-powered Ferrari 308

One of the forum's most popular builds to date? The FrankenFerrari, a V12-powered Ferrari 308.

Colin Wood
Ford | electric | Engine swap | Mach-E | Ford Performance
ICYMI: Ford offering an electric crate motor for less than $4000

Is Ford Performance's electric crate motor the next best thing to swapping in a Tesla powertrain?

Colin Wood
Honda | K24 | Your Projects | Engine swap | Sunbeam Alpine
Why not put a Honda K-series engine into a Sunbeam Alpine? | Your Projects

RevoRob's late father's dream was to swap in a more powerful engine into a Sunbeam Alpine. Now, RevoRob is picking up the torch—this time with a Honda K24 engine.

Colin Wood
Engine swap | Swap Science
How To Do an Engine Swap—the Right Way

Engine swaps sound cool, but actually pulling it off may be one of the hardest projects to undertake.

Colin Wood
Toyota | MR2 | Your Projects | v6 | Engine swap
Your Projects: Dropping a V6 Into a First-Generation MR2

A general rule of thumb says not to buy someone else's project. User dherr ignored that advice by picking up a first-generation Toyota MR2 in the middle of a V6 …

Colin Wood
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