VW GTI articles, project cars, conversations, and more


The GTI 380 is how VW says auf Wiedersehen to the manual GTI

VW announces the GTI 380, a special equipment package that celebrates the final year for the manual GTI and R.

Live thread: Track testing a manual GR86, C8 Z06 and more

We're heading to the Florida International Rally & Motorsport Park to test a Chevrolet Corvette C8 Z06 and a manual Toyota GR86, plus our VW Mk7 GTI's latest setup.

This weekend: Come see us at HyperFest | Live Thread

Heading to HyperFest this weekend? Us too. Be sure to say hello if you see us.

Announcing our latest project car: 2017 Volkswagen Golf GTI

We bought this Golf GTI to find out if it still possible to have a fun, trackable daily driver without paying the average new car price of $48,000?

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VW GTI articles

Columns: I’ve ruined another perfectly practical car–and I’m grateful for it

Our Mk7 VW Golf GTI is just the latest perfectly good car we've ruined in the name of our hobby.

Columns: How I rediscovered a love of autocross by putting down the camera

Normally, you can find Chris, our video editor, shooting cars on track from behind a camera. This time, he left the camera behind so he could be the one on track.

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VW GTI project car updates

Using a 3D printer to make custom brake deflectors

[GRM+ members read this article first. Subscribe and gain access to more exclusive content for only $3/month.]

Can more speed be created out of thin air? As it turns out, the answer is yes—as long as you have a …

Dogbone inserts: Will they work just as well as solid bushings?

Our GTI has seen some track time. Lots of it, in fact, as evidenced by its podium finish in our class at the Tire Rack One Lap …

Want more full-throttle laps on track? Upgrade the intercooler.

Is it really possible to do it all with one car?

We’ve asked that question in every update about our daily-driven Mk7 VW GTI, and the answer …

Are endurance race pads really the best choice for a daily driver?

In our last brake update, we fitted a set of 3D-printed brake cooling deflectors. Our goal? To keep our very street-friendly pads–Pagid’s new STREET+ line–working even …

Want more performance out of a Mk7 GTI? Check this out.

Enjoying our Mk7 GTI project car series and want even more advice? One place to look is Datadrivenmqb.com.

Created by Tony Mester, the website is a mix …

VW GTI Forum Topics

Most of a Mk1 GTI for $500 in MA (NMNA)
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