Not mine blah blah blah . . .
1989 BMW 325ix with title - $775 (wake forest)
CL Seller said:
1989 BMW 325ix with title - $775 (wake forest)
Date: 2011-04-17, 7:59AM EDT
Reply to:
bought at a storage auction car has title just found 2 more rims and tires in the trunk!!! thats 7 rims and tires all together. 250k miles great for parts or to fix up great model bmw call 919-302-6061 no dents in body anywhere has a little rust next to sunroof and i mean little but for $775 bucks its a great deal or call 919-426-8555 thx
Aaaaargh. Why are these always on the wrong coast?
Bloody hell, every time I forget about these and swear never to buy another one, something like this happens.
That's less than a half an hour from me if somebody wants me to go and take a look at it.
I'm just interested if it's a manual or not... please just tell me it's an auto so I don't buy it... please!
Autolex wrote:
I'm just interested if it's a manual or not... please just tell me it's an auto so I don't buy it... please!
I'm no E30 expert, but I believe I see a clutch master cylinder in the engine pic.
That seems to be a screaming deal.
WANT. too bad my tax money wasnt THAT much lol.
Seller is a complete moron.
We agreed on a deal, I made a fair offer and stuck to it. He then tells me that he got the title in the mail now and the price is $500 more. I told him to forget about it.
He's a jackass, I think he'd really like to get subscribed to some gay pron newsletters (hint: his email addy is in the first post above)...

BTW, the car is an automatic, he bought it at a storage unit auction with no keys- but he maintains that it's in great shape and worth tons of money.... but he has never been able to start the car.