Ok, on topic:
I've got a couple irons in the fire, I'll try to stay on track.
First, the wire map looks like this:

The wires now reside on the drivers seat. I'll get those put in place as soon as the engine bay is done.
Speaking of engine bays, I did do a little painting. Not a whole lot, but it's progress in the area (really, I'm just putting off painting the firewall. That thing is DIRTY and it has lots of stuff in the way)

Next on the list (or "while that dried") is the cam timing. While mucking about with the engine these last few years (spinning it by hand, etc) the timing belt slipped a couple teeth. No big deal, I just had to re-align the marks before I put the new belt on:

The one time I drove the car it really ran like crap. It had no low end power, then it felt like it'd "come up on the cam" only to fizzle out on the top end. If you look at the crank pulley you'll notice the two timing marks really close together. I'm pretty sure the installers of the cams timed the engine to the wrong mark (the ignition timing mark as opposed to the TDC mark). Andy at performatek (great guy) says that sounds like a very reasonable theory. Here's hoping...
Next up, the T-stat housing.

As you can see, I need a couple hoses and clamps for that one. Digging through my old parts boxes I don't seem to have the right size, so a trip to the parts store is in order.
Next up, the thermostats themselves:

The one on the left is the old one, the one on the right is the new one (well, the "new" one I bought 3 or so years ago). Unfortunately they're not the same... I don't think Unix is going to take back a 3-year old part with no receipt so I thought I'd see if I could swap the guts. Just for giggles really.

it didn't work. the new guts are narrower and taller than the old guts.
Meh, it was worth a try.
All in all though, even with the missing hoses etc, I was able to get the timing belt on (yay!)

And that, my friends, is how you turn one hour of garage time into a 9 picture post 
10 pictures when I tell you I picked a fight with the DMV on Friday:

Being the veteran car importer I am, I went to the DMV with all my paperwork, translated, and of course nothing there can go easy:
- your import paperwork is missing a pink stamp
But this is the original certificate from customs. Has the signature, hole punch secret handshake stamp and everything.
- yeah, but it's missing a pink stamp...
What I'm getting at is: this is the original, if it needed a pink stamp why didn't they put one on it when they handed it to me?
- (shows me the ruling in paper form)
Your paper says it was updated as of 2016, my car was imported 2 years ago. Shouldn't I be grandfathered in?
- "No, you have to go to customs"
ok, where is customs?
WHERE specifically in the port is customs?
and so on. Eventually I just went and googled their phone number. I'll call sometime this week to see about getting this "pink stamp". I'm not in much of a hurry on this one because I KNOW I'll be going to the state patrol for inspections as the date of manufacture isn't typed on the Slovakian title (it's stored as info on the smart chip) so the car will need to be mobile for that. I do, however need to remember to look at the ID tags on the car to make sure the year is listed there somewhere. If not, that may be an interesting experience...
Good times.