Big day, even if I have only a small bit to show.
I talked to the codes guys, and they confirmed that there are no load-bearing walls in the house. On-site built trusses. That's the great thing about a community of kit built houses. The knowledge is there,without inspections. My apologies for my elation at this news go to all the firefighters of the world. I know trusses suck for the guys who save us from house fires.
Codes will accept whatever drawings I submit on standard notebook sized paper. No need to get an engineer involved for the walls I want to tear out. They were genuinely nice guys, and saw no problem with my plans. If anything, they were enthusiastic.
I was super amped up after the meeting as the nervousness melted away, but it was raining so no digging today. Shucks.

So, I painted 80' of baseboard trim (1X4s), and the replacement for that God-awful arch. I knew it could be hiding untold horrors, but my hatred for it prompted me to press on. It's not too bad, and my plan for replacement should do quite nicely. More on that later.
A tip that I imagine all here know, but on the off chance I thought I'd share:

Paint brushes, rollers, and even paint, if kept moist will keep for days, even weeks, in the fridge, if oxygen is kept away. Zip locs are great for this, but in my case, I planned a second coat in a couple of hours, so I just chucked the full pans in, complete with brushes/rollers, and will go back to do that shortly. Being able to paint this stuff on sawhorses, install, and merely do touch-up after installation saves a huge amount of time. Think 15 minutes to paint 80' of baseboard, as compared to untold hours laying on the floor doing detail work. I painted 3 sides so I don't have to think about it when I'm putting it on with my recently reconned brad nailer.
The advice on using the miter saw for PVC cuts is appreciated. Not my first rodeo, so I was aware, but sharing knowledge is what these build threads are for. All advice, and positivity is greatly appreciated.