I just bought 5 ARE Libre (or Libre reps??) and I want to identify the manufacturer. Four of the wheels do not have "American Racing Equipment" stamped on them. The fifth wheel is clearly stamped "Shelby". These are 13x5 with a POD of 4x113.4. Can anyone help me figure out exactly what I have. There are some stampings but none indicate manufacturer. Tomorrow I will take them to the car wash and get the back side clean so I can take pictures. Thank you
Mine are different but thanks for the info on the Shelby wheel.https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi491.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Frr274%2Fsfbaycl%2FDatsun%2520Parts%2FDSCN3908.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.ratsun.net%2Ftopic%2F30155-fs-13x55-13x7-libre-wheels-staggered%2F&docid=mdJY-LVneZYM2M&tbnid=oRlSBe5XwBXcXM%3A&w=1024&h=768&bih=631&biw=1366&ved=0ahUKEwivl4fpmLHPAhWHYyYKHYMTAH0QMwgqKAwwDA&iact=mrc&uact=8
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