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Daylan C
Daylan C SuperDork
8/30/18 12:40 a.m.

Cleanest most solid econobox you can find? Civic, Saturn S series, Focus, Sentra etc.

Make sure to put a cheap head unit in so you can pump the Eurobeat reliably.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
8/30/18 12:48 a.m.

Masterati bi-turbo will fit your needs. 

secretariata GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/30/18 4:49 a.m.
captdownshift said:

Masterati bi-turbo will fit your needs. 

I think the OP wants to drive it occasionally? ;)

Dootz New Reader
8/30/18 5:00 a.m.

Can't go wrong with a 90s Honda car

Aside from maybe having it jacked

Klayfish PowerDork
8/30/18 5:48 a.m.

Maybe a '90s Civic, they have enough headroom that you went bend the brim of your hat.

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ UltraDork
8/30/18 6:19 a.m.

"Touge"?  The real version of that is called hillclimb, I think- you can do that in a Miata with a rollbar.

If you're absolutely set on street racing, get one of these:  

At least that way you're a lot less likely to hurt anyone but yourself.

Duke MegaDork
8/30/18 6:43 a.m.

Our sports car club runs a drifting program in addition to our autocross and rally programs.  Trust me, I've seen it up close, you do not want to be doing that stuff anywhere but a track or closed lot.  You have good intentions, it sounds like, but you don't necessarliy get the choice between plowing off road and hitting someone once you've overcommitted the car and your talent.

Ask the drifter guy who is currently selling his project cars and spare parts to pay for the fence he took out at our last event.  That fence was waayyyy away from the course area, but once you put the car far enough past the limits of traction, you're just a passenger in an artillery shell.

If that hadn't been a closed-course event, it could just as easily have been a civilian car with kids or a grandma in it that got taken out.  Or a row of trees he hit.

P3PPY GRM+ Memberand New Reader
8/30/18 10:38 a.m.

In reply to Duke :

Sheesh! What kind of fence was it?

pres589 PowerDork
8/30/18 10:44 a.m.

What's going on in this thread, is the OP asking what kind of car to drive like a jackwagon on public roads with on the cheap?  

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ UltraDork
8/30/18 10:51 a.m.

You can easily autocross or rallycross on a highschool budget- I did it with only a summer job, and event entry fees are still in the $50-60 range most places.  Where are you located, maybe we can direct you to the right people so you can get involved.

If you have a truck to sell, even better- sell that, get a $2k car (Miata, Civic Si, whatever you like) and spend the rest on tires and entry fees.  You'll be a way better driver in a year or two than you ever would screwing around on the street.

captdownshift GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
8/30/18 10:55 a.m.

In reply to Lampshade :

Sell the truck and purchase the best Maserati bi-turbo that you can find. Don't worry about maintenance and repair logs as they're incredible easy to DIY fix should anything pop up after purchase. They make for amazing drift, rally and autocross machines with Italian styling that others only dream of having in their daily. 

phaze1todd Dork
8/30/18 11:03 a.m.

In reply to pres589 :

I know right!? Have we already forsaken the one "True Answer" from the "Holy Trinity"?

dculberson UltimaDork
8/30/18 12:26 p.m.
Lampshade said:

I want to daily the car, so I can learn manual beter.  Im going to atleast autocross it before I attempt to go above the speed limit would like to do join a drifting club or rally but I don't know how often I can do it with school and my only source of income being working on the weekends. I could sell my truck for maybe 5,000 but I don't want to buy a nice car and then wreck it.  Im going to do a pass first to check everything out and if it's a 2 lane stay on my side and only cross if I can see infront of me. I want to learn how to drift but doing that on a public road I would 100% wreck. I've stoped now but I would drive at the limit of traction in my lifted truck and can say i didnt total my truck or killed myself or someone else was pure luck. I've got 15 over ticket (not on insurance) 20 over with reckless endangerment, ticket for running stop sign,hitting the back of a car, and gone off the road multiple times and too many times to count loosing all control but staying on the road. Im going to save driving at that line for the track.

Funny, I bet entering a whole bunch of competitive events with actual driver training available would have cost you less than those tickets, insurance, and repairs from damage.

Lampshade New Reader
8/30/18 12:33 p.m.

In reply to dculberson : yes it would have by a lot.  Also sadly I've never seen a mazarti bi-turbo for sale but I do have a 15 inch sub to blast Eurobeat 


t25torx Dork
8/30/18 1:15 p.m.
Hoondavan Reader
8/30/18 4:28 p.m.

If you buy the galaxy you'll never make it.  You'll get pulled over and searched every 30 miles once you hit the midwest.  

Klayfish PowerDork
8/31/18 5:50 a.m.
dculberson said:
Lampshade said:

I want to daily the car, so I can learn manual beter.  Im going to atleast autocross it before I attempt to go above the speed limit would like to do join a drifting club or rally but I don't know how often I can do it with school and my only source of income being working on the weekends. I could sell my truck for maybe 5,000 but I don't want to buy a nice car and then wreck it.  Im going to do a pass first to check everything out and if it's a 2 lane stay on my side and only cross if I can see infront of me. I want to learn how to drift but doing that on a public road I would 100% wreck. I've stoped now but I would drive at the limit of traction in my lifted truck and can say i didnt total my truck or killed myself or someone else was pure luck. I've got 15 over ticket (not on insurance) 20 over with reckless endangerment, ticket for running stop sign,hitting the back of a car, and gone off the road multiple times and too many times to count loosing all control but staying on the road. Im going to save driving at that line for the track.

Funny, I bet entering a whole bunch of competitive events with actual driver training available would have cost you less than those tickets, insurance, and repairs from damage.

Kid, right now you don't need car, probably of any kind.  The stuff you talk about isn't fun or funny.  It's stupid, and dangerous.  You want to drive fast, as dculberson said there are endless options for you to do it legally, safely and cheaply.  Doing it on a public road is beyond dumb.

EvanB GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/31/18 6:42 a.m.
P3PPY said:

In reply to Duke :

Sheesh! What kind of fence was it?

Watch out for the crub too. 

John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
8/31/18 7:07 a.m.
Lampshade said:

In reply to dculberson : yes it would have by a lot.  Also sadly I've never seen a mazarti bi-turbo for sale but I do have a 15 inch sub to blast Eurobeat 


I see you have retracted your first posting. 

Let me first start with giving you a huge WELCOME.  Please don't go away, really. Please stay.  

In an earlier post you asked how to reregister and start over.  No need to do that, here on GRM you can change your screen name at any time.  Just click on your screen name  and an option will appear to "change profile".  In there you can change your screen name and it will take effect immediately.  


You started with what a few here saw as a foolish question so you were given a foolish answer.  Around here (and most of the automotive world) a Maserati BiTurbo, though cool looking, is considered the least reliable car you can buy.  The inside joke here was that when you asked, "what should I buy to drive dangerously?" you were given an answer of, "buy a car that will never run."  

Again, please stay.

Though GRM is largely made up of people over 30 yrs old (and more), the depth of knowledge you can gain here is huge.  Looking back to the thread you have already started you have gotten replies from people who have deep knowledge.  More than one of the people who answered you are genuine and serious competitors in the world of Rally here in the US.  Like, real Rally in real Rally cars.  Another who has responded to you is an avid Rallycrosser with experience at the National Level of SCCA RallyCross (and he is near or less than 30 yrs old.)  

Other threads you should see:

S10 built by a 16yr old.  Look in here to see he is getting good guidance

Here's another guy who I think is in 2nd year of University in Canada G-Body Man

The V8Kid is a very recent College Grad being led by the very deep knowledge of his father but we all expect the Kid will be beating the father soon (Wheels is the Father)


Lampshade New Reader
8/31/18 7:10 a.m.

Ok I'm not going to do touge



John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
8/31/18 7:37 a.m.

When I say you'll be surprised who is here on GRM, try reading through this thread...



I should add that he didn't just come in to plug his movie.  He was here before the movie and continued to stay after the movie.  Here he is talking about purchasing a used Corvette

Duke MegaDork
8/31/18 2:08 p.m.
Lampshade said:

Ok I'm not going to do touge

No, don't give up on what you're interested in.  Just don't do it half-assed and dangerously.  Do it right.

Get a car to work on and learn about and drive.  Take that car to autocrosses (common, cheap, and everywhere - I bet there is at least one within an hour's drive of you, and fees are usually $50-$60 each).  Or take it to an organized, sanctioned drift event (less common, more expensive, harder to find ).  Drift events are out there and continuing to gain popularity in the grassroots motorsports scene.

These events will get you advice, some instruction, and the chance to learn about performance driving in a controlled environment.  Accidents can and will happen anyway - but they will be among people who all know the risks and all chose to participate, not innocent bystanders.

barefootskater HalfDork
8/31/18 3:27 p.m.

Buy a slow car. The answer is called the answer for a reason, I like small Hondas, and there are tons of cheap reliable fun cars out there. Look for something with good aftermarket support and you'll be golden. But buy a slow car. You'll hear again and again that it is more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow, and it is true.

Then, or before, go find a local autocross and go for a ride with as many folks as will let you. Tell them you are new and people will offer you rides in all sorts of cars. The folks running the event will usually be able to get you in with a good driver and you'll learn a lot just by riding along. First time I did that I was shocked to find that the car that scared me most was a mostly stock miata on slicks, it wasn't as fast as the big cars but holy poop did it scoot around. I kept thinking "BRAKES!! Hit the damn brakes! E36 M3, E36 M3, E36 M3, BRAKES!" I don't think he ever hit the brakes.

Folks here are super friendly and helpful. Ask lots of questions. You'll get some snarky answers, and lots of sarcasm, but it is good natured. 


EvanB GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
8/31/18 4:05 p.m.
barefootskater said

You'll get some snarky answers, and lots of sarcasm, but it is good natured. 

Surely you can't be serious!

Daylan C
Daylan C SuperDork
8/31/18 4:37 p.m.

I'm the least knowledgeable here but the serious half of my answer was the answer I got when I asked the same question. Get something cheap to buy and cheap to run, no matter what it is and get as much seat time as you can.

I'm a 22 year old community college student that still hasn't done his first autocross because I keep sabotaging myself by not following that advice.

Definitely stay though, lots of smart and helpful people here. 

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