Was putting my helmet away on the weekend and noticed that closing the visor was...crunchy. Spotted these bits just as they fell out of the gap between the helmet and visor:
I've checked the whole helmet over inside and out and can't find anywhere these could've come from though. The weird bendy washer looks like a match for the weird half-threaded flathead screw. The helmet, a SA2015 Pyrotect Pro Sport, has had a pretty easy life and and spends its time either on my head, sitting on a passenger seat, or (mostly) in its own dedicated bag - it's hard for me to believe these came from something else. The visor and tear-off lifter still operate normally after these seemingly fell out. Does this stuff look familiar to anyone?
Hans clip screws.
Do you use a Hans device?
Maybe your loose screw fell out. I've been told I had one but so far have not managed to find it.
The helmet does have HANS posts but I can hardly remember the last time I actually used it with a HANS...
9/20/22 11:59 a.m.
Those look like the visor screws. I've had those fall out of every family members helmet and getting replacements is more cumbersome than it should be. Check the visor attachment.
I think I found where these came from, and it was tricky because the thing those pieces were in is now missing...
First I checked around the visor, the hinge mechanism is totally inaccessible on the inside due to bonded-in foam under the velcroed-in padding, and there are no screw holes visible on the outside. Then I had a look on the outside and noticed that there was an identical screw on the underside of the tear-off lifter, and on the other side of the visor was a hole in the same position with ramps around it...looks like it had a second tear-off lifter I forgot about, the knob fell off the outside leaving the screw held in against the surface of the helmet, and when I closed the visor that allowed the screw to fall out.
Not a feature I use so no big deal.