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Tom1200 said:In reply to Junkers :
I tell my wife she is beautiful every day (because she is). When we go to sleep I say goodnight beautiful, every night..........we've been married 32 years. Pretty sure she likes the "smothering".............I get a great smile and hug before I head off to work every morning.
As for hate and ego..............I hate getting things really wrong because, yes, it wounds my ego. This motivates me to do better; no one wants to be known as a colossal screw up. Do I care what other people think about me, no. I care what I think about me.
Good Lord! If your wife needs that kind of support each day, something's wrong. She should be strong enough to need about one "I love you" a year without resenting you for not giving so infrequently. Do me a favor and try telling her this: "I forgive you for everything wrong you've done to me." If that makes you quake in fear for losing her, something's wrong. Hell, you may have created a monster if she tries to tear your head off. Now don't take what I've said as a personal attack, I'm only trying to help out. You can't see that your story made me smile warmly because I know you want to be sweet to her.
Think about it, guys. Women should be strong enough to hear you unfiltered but we're the ones who make them too delicate in our "loving" them. They say communication is key, but what they mean is that conflict is key. Conflict is super necessary for growth, but us men are too damn afraid. The truth of the matter is that most women, I've found, enjoy (actually need) a good fight and it's us who shrink away. But how do you stand up to her? If your wife can NEVER PROVOKE YOU into anger or judgment or resentment, ONLY THEN can you stand as a correction when she needs you most. Yeah, you've gotta be perfect and that takes getting in touch with your intuition that you had as a child. That always cues the mother of all excuses, "nobody's perfect." Yeah, that's why you need to practice it. Practice patience, practice feeling pain, practice feeling unloved, practice feeling loneliness, practice conflict, etc. I'm not perfect, but I'm perfecting. It's a direction, in this case not a destination. Intuition makes you read people and situations in the NOW moment instead calling upon your intellect or bank of knowledge which is too slow and confusing.