the bill heard chevy thread made me curious about scams and tactics dealerships use. Im pretty staunch about what i want and what ill pay, so the few times ive dealt with new car dealers, ive either gotten my way or walked out (walked out more often than not.)
The most recent, was at a local VW dealership when we bought our 08 rabbit. We did the math ahead of time, and after considering the rabbit we (well, she) wanted, decided to trade in 01 mustang which was about 5,000 miles short of loosing a cylinder in my best case scenario. we wanted to drive out for a max of 17k after all, including taxes etc. we fully disclosed the condition of the stang, told them all we cared about was the out the door price, making things rather simple. Told them we were willing to pay 16.5k , they came back with 17k and we did the deal. IT seemed a fair price where everyone would be happy.. not a bargain, but fair.
Well, in FL and many other states you can drive the car home the same day, and we did. However, the dealer is not required to have all the paperwork finalized when they give you the keys, and they certainly didnt tell us that, as far as we were concerned, it was a done deal, wed signed off on all the paperwork, handed over the stang, and drove out in the wabbit.. four days later the dealer calls, telling us there'd been a "problem" with our financing package, and wed have to go back in to "fix" it. we go in and they tell us very apologetically that the finance package had been declined by VAG , BUT they could fix it by going with another company for "just a bit more a month" and show us the numbers they had worked up in advance. Im not a numbers guy, but it was obvious there had been some serious manipulation in the figures and the base price had also been "adjusted." they told us they had to do some "recalculation" to ensure the new finance company would approve it (bullsh*t, bullsh#t and more BS..) After listening for a few minutes, I got a bit ticked off, and told them either they honor the original deal, or bring the stang around, at which point the g/f puts the rabbit keys on the guys desk (i was so proud!) The finance guy went a bit pale, excused himself, came back a few minutes later with the dealer manager who tries to sweet talk us. We repeated our assertion ,pointed to the keys and tell him to either produce the mustang, or cut us a check for its blue book value. Well, suddenly they want to "try VAG again..." the the finance guy gets on the phone. wouldnt you know it, suddenly were "approved" , dont have to sign anything else at all, and are out the door in 10 minutes, driving the wabbit home for good this time.
After asking around a bit, I found out that this is a common tactic with dealers down here. they use these "sign and drive" events to get the car out of the door, then call back a few days later after you "love the car" already, shown all your friends, etc..then pump up the financing charges, back end charges etc, try and squeeze as much extra money as they can out of the deal, so a 17k out the door car suddenly becomes a 23k car, plus a higher interest rate, which apparently the dealer gets more revenue from. the guys in our dealership should've got an oscar for their performance. In the end they not only lost the bump price/finance revenue they tried to scam out of us, but also the chance to sell me a new GTI...which I was "this close" to closing the deal on as well, but had wanted to make sure the rabbit and the dealer lived up to their promises. At least the rabbit did anyhow, awesome little car.. I guess they pull this crap all the time around here from what im hearing, and usually get away with it as well..
what else do they do? I may be in the market again soon..