frenchyd said:
In reply to Opti
One of the things you learn in a war is that all plans and procedures go out the window during the first engagement.
It's not like playing monopoly where rules are clearly spelled out.
The M16 when it was first introduced jammed and froze up in actual combat because it was too finely made.
Complex weapon systems need combat time to fully develop their requirements. Just like new cars need development.
China knows that the US will engage in Taiwan because we have our Navy ships patrolling the China sea regularly to ensure freedom of the seas. In addition we provide weapon systems and train their people effective ways to combat
Plus our commitment to Ukraine is further proof of our commitment. They are not part of NATO. Yet there we are.
As far as US solders in Ukraine? I don't know the exact details except they are there to protect our high tech weapon systems. But so far 100,000 US solders haven't died like the 100,000 Ukrainians.
Having done two tours in combat during Vietnam I understand what is involved.
I understand about weapons needing combat development. I also understand pretty much everytime we go into a new combat zone the previous data we have ends up being inadequate. The weapons and systems have to be adapted to the environment and the opponent. So although I do think its useful data and testing, unless we plan on fighting Russia in Ukraine, I dont think the data is valuable enough to to justify even a fraction of the amount spent.
I think its telling China the opposite. Taiwan is also not a member of NATO. The US will talk big about support but at the end of the day its just sanctions and aid. Chinas not worried about us sending money to Taiwan to help, they are worried about having to fight our military when they invade. What we are telling them is we will do absolutely everything to avoid that.
You are correct there are officially no "combat forces" in Ukraine. There are US soldiers going over as volunteers to fight. Unfortunately it has lead to American deaths. The trade isnt 100k Ukranians or 100K US soldiers. Ukranians are fighting a war, there are going to be deaths, its war, its terrible but its the way it is. The question is why are ANY Americans being placed in harms way for a war that isnt ours, im not just talking about the volunteers, im also talking about the non combat forces over there in a support role.
Two brief points.
Look at the wealth of American military compared to Eastern Europe. ( and the potential threat Russia presents them with).
As far as corruption, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Yes, America is corrupt too.
Let me explain my position a little better first.
Im not a complete isolationist. I agree that Russia is our enemy geopolitical, I think they are more dangerous to America than the current consensus, and I believe there is value to the United States for Russia to minimized geopolitically.
Now onto you points. The EU has a similar sized GDP to the USA (I think the US is about a quarter bigger, which is no small difference but when compared to military spending it is) but the US spends like 6 or 7 times more on its military. Our allies get away with spending so little ( most NATO members are under the 2% spending target) because we fund and back EVERYTHING. If we keep doing this is means we are constantly going to be funding everyones defense, and its not sustainable. This is first and foremost an EU problem (im not saying its not also a US problem), why are we forced to fund such an outsized amount? You say its because our military funding, I say we already overspend on military, because our allies wont spend what they should. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. "we dont have to spend much on defense because the US will defend us, also we dont have to send as much aid to Ukraine becuase the US military spending is higher, they should do it."
I also disagree about the America wealth, because its deficit spending. If i go buy a nice luxury car on credit with no way to pay it back, is it an indicator of wealth?
Yes the US Government is corrupt i agree 1000 percent. There is a difference in pointing it out and wanting to correct it, and just saying well we are all corrupt so lets just ignore it and enable it. Prior to the war Ukraine was largely considered one of the most corrupt governments. I think last I heard is we are potentially approaching 100 billion in aide, much of which is financial aide with little to no oversight. This isnt having some grace and admitting no ones perfect, this is enabling corruption.
Something else to consider, while we continue to send massive amounts of aid to Ukraine, has anyone mentioned a plan on how this ends? A wounded and embarassed nuclear power in the midst of a war is bad for everyone. So the war needs to end quickly, but how it ends is also very important to everyone. Stability in Russia is of the utmost concern, if the country falls into disarray and a power struggle happens, the last thing anyone wants is ambiguous ownership of 2500 nukes.
Im not completely against aid to Ukraine. I dont think we should foot the brunt of the expense, I dont think any Americans should be in Ukraine, I think financial aide should absolutely come with oversight, I think a long time ago a plan for the end of this war should have been formulated, I think Zelensky needs to be reigned in, and I think diplomatic negotiations need to be focused on.