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Keith GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/4/10 11:23 a.m.

Steven vs Stephen was absolute gold. Go to the YouTubes, it's awesome.

JeepinMatt HalfDork
2/4/10 12:08 p.m.

Oddly enough Stewart was one of the few (aside from Fox) to criticize Obama during his presidential bid. I remember he made a joke and the whole audience starts murmuring. Stewart looked up from his desk and said "You're allowed to laugh at him." He doesn't usually broadcast his political affiliation, but I remember him saying he would describe himself as independent or socialist in his views. If that's accurate, I'll give him credit that he attacks both parties without much hesitation.

poopshovel SuperDork
2/4/10 12:23 p.m.
JeepinMatt wrote: Oddly enough Stewart was one of the few (aside from Fox) to criticize Obama during his presidential bid. I remember he made a joke and the whole audience starts murmuring. Stewart looked up from his desk and said "You're allowed to laugh at him." He doesn't usually broadcast his political affiliation, but I remember him saying he would describe himself as independent or socialist in his views. If that's accurate, I'll give him credit that he attacks both parties without much hesitation.

I watch his show occasionally. I like to "let it go" and get a laugh out of some of the anti-conservative rhetoric, and yes, every once in a blue moon, he'll point out faults on the dems' side (like the whole "Oh E36 M3...um...yeah...we're still fighting 2 wars, Gitmo's still runnin', the Economy is still beyond berkeleyed, and the national debt/budget deficits are bigger than ever) type stuff, but to insinuate that he is somehow 'non-partisan' in his slamming is silly. Same goes for captain "Fair and Balanced."

integraguy HalfDork
2/4/10 12:33 p.m.

I had to laugh about a previous poster's comment that of the news sources available today, the BBC does a fairly good job of delivering the news.

I won't say it happens often/a lot, but a casual viewing of the BBC news on PBS gives (me, anyway) the idea that reporters for the BBC have the idea that America's politicians are all idiots. While Bush was president, BBC reporters/commentors? all but curled their lips when discussing the "latest setbacks" on the Iraq war front. This seems to have disappeared with the election of Obama. But I still find it difficult to shake the idea that the BBC views the U.S. much like the Griswolds viewed their "country cousins" as in National Lampoon's (American) Vacation.

jrw1621 Dork
2/4/10 1:17 p.m.

Less serious...
This clip takes you to a 6 part series of 2 minute interviews with the cast including Stewart, Colbert, Correll from the earlier years. I laughed out loud at the second minute in this first video.

2 video talks about the interviews that happen in the field.


NYG95GA SuperDork
2/4/10 1:34 p.m.
integraguy wrote: ...reporters for the BBC have the idea that America's politicians are all idiots.

So your point is?

alex Dork
2/4/10 2:14 p.m.

Watching the clip of Stewart's first O'Reilly appearance in '04, I picked up an interesting comment about the comedian/pundit line that Stewart generally fails to walk - which is to say, he usually falls indelicately into the former camp.

Stewart made a comment to the effect of, 'I get nervous when I go a few minutes without getting a laugh. It's part of my neurosis.' That seems like a rather telling insight on his attitude toward the show: he feels the need to be funny, but he wants to be funny about the things on his mind.

And, Keith's right: I think the Daily Show's old Steven vs. Stephen segment was probably the single best commentary on the general state of punditry when it aired.

Jake HalfDork
2/4/10 2:16 p.m.
"new boss" behaving exactly the same as the "old boss".

Suddenly, I hear Roger Daltrey.

Unfortunately, in this country, part of being an intelligent consumer of the media is being able to filter the BS and come out with the kernel of truth. O'Reilly isn't "no spin," that's just something the marketers came up with. Neither is Stewart.

O'Reilly generally makes me want to punch him in the throat (usually several times, to be sure), whereas Stewart just makes me laugh and/or roll my eyes. Therefore, we'll watch the Daily Show in my house now and again, just for a laugh. On the other hand, I haven't been able watch O'Reilly since Inside Edition.

Wally GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
2/5/10 9:24 a.m.


aircooled SuperDork
2/5/10 10:06 a.m.
Wally wrote: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-february-4-2010/the-blogs-must-be-crazy

And this is exactly what Stewart does best, calling out media for it absurdities. It is is one of the main focuses of the show.

In the second part of the O'Reilly interview he says pretty much what he alluding to in the clip above about Fox (which or course applies to almost all media outlets) that they take a situation and blow it wildly out of proportion creating unrealistic fear. A very propaganda / Micheal Moore kind of way of dealing with events....

aircooled SuperDork
2/5/10 12:27 p.m.

I should add this:


This is a link to the full interview, no edits.

This is a MUCH better interview. Not surprisingly it seems like they cut out a lot of stuff that makes Stewart look better / smarter (some was likely because some of the thoughts are fairly long). You also get the impression that O'Reilly is not controlling (driving) the interview as much as it appears in the edited one. One thing I noticed is that it is pretty clear when Stewart is trying to be funny, not so clear when O'Reilly is doing it (although I think he is trying to be in most cases, he comes off as a bit of an ass, but of course he is not a comedian).

His description of Fox (Opinion) News as a "Cyclonic perpetual emotion machine" seems pretty appropriate. I also think he makes some good points about Iran, the Sheik trial in NY, and the "real" America.

You definitely get the idea that the two actually like each other, they just disagree. It is nice to see two people discuss something without yelling over each other.

poopshovel SuperDork
2/5/10 12:35 p.m.
His description of Fox (Opinion) News as a "Cyclonic perpetual emotion machine" seems pretty appropriate.

I'll agree with that. Being beaten over the head for 5 hours straight with the same stupid "sound bite of the day" gets annoying pretty quickly. I'm guilty of getting sucked in though.

Ironically, Glen Beck is the only one who strays from this format, but is also the one that immediately gets written off as a berkeleying nut-job.

nderwater Reader
2/5/10 12:51 p.m.
poopshovel wrote: Being beaten over the head for 5 hours straight with the same stupid "sound bite of the day" gets annoying pretty quickly.

I can second that. My last job was with a PR and lobbying firm which had six TV's playing each of the 24-hour news channels in the common area. It was obvious to see how their chasing ratings with punditry and nonsense sensationalist 'breaking news!' is ruining journalism.

tuna55 HalfDork
2/5/10 1:03 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
His description of Fox (Opinion) News as a "Cyclonic perpetual emotion machine" seems pretty appropriate.
I'll agree with that. Being beaten over the head for 5 hours straight with the same stupid "sound bite of the day" gets annoying pretty quickly. I'm guilty of getting sucked in though. Ironically, Glen Beck is the only one who strays from this format, but is also the one that immediately gets written off as a berkeleying nut-job.

Agreed, Beck seems to be pretty well researched, if nothing else, most of the time, and some of the stuff he unearths is downright scary.

Capt Slow
Capt Slow HalfDork
2/5/10 1:44 p.m.

Some say Glen Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990...

oldsaw HalfDork
2/5/10 3:57 p.m.
Capt Slow wrote: Some say Glen Beck raped and murdered a girl in 1990...

No, Beck admits it himself:


Of course if one cannot detect his sarcasm, then "slow" seems appropriate.

Capt Slow
Capt Slow HalfDork
2/5/10 5:28 p.m.

LoL I love the info listed with the video:

Glenn Beck admits to raping and murdering young girls in 1990. This audio is 100% real, and not doctored in anyway. All of this is Glenn Beck in his own words. They might not be in the original order, however.
Luke SuperDork
2/6/10 6:18 a.m.
jrw1621 wrote: Less serious... This clip takes you to a 6 part series of 2 minute interviews with the cast including Stewart, Colbert, Correll from the earlier years. I laughed out loud at the second minute in this first video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fGLl1kz21M&feature=PlayList&p=lw9wuwuv4lA&index=1

Here's the original Waiters who are Nauseated by Food clip.

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