6/5/23 10:53 p.m.
trusty 11 year old Macbook Pro's speaker started buzzing. 90% of the time it's plugged into external speakers but I often go mobile with it around the house.
The parts are cheap but looks like the quality & longevity is hit or miss, and the R&R procedure is quite extensive with lots of little ribbon plugs that can easily be damaged.
And the brake lines from the earlier rant are still leaking. Going to try and flare my own with copper alloy tubing.
Our family calender really has me stressed out. Every. Single. Day. is haul ass home from work to get to a 5:30 game/practice/commitment and bounce around town for other stuff. Divide and conquer. Our calender is literally booked solid. Weekend? What weekend? I need a break from this. Maybe one weekend in August?
6/6/23 9:36 a.m.
Found out my brake controller didn't actually fail... dimwit PO wired it on a 5A fuse. When I adjusted the gain up, it popped the fuse.
6/6/23 10:19 a.m.
I berkeleying hate the smell of marijuana and every since NY legalized it for recreational use, you literally cannot go anywhere without smelling the E36 M3.
In reply to NickD :
It's literally everywhere at this point.
In reply to NickD :
Every freaking evening/night time car meet I go to it's like that in Ohio, and we still only have medicinal use. Smells worse than cigarette smoke to me.
we have recreational weed use in MI as well. i don't care if you get high, but i do care when i can't open the windows on my house because my neighbors smoke up 24/7 on their deck and i hate that berkeleying smell.
we have a privacy hedge between our yards. when i get tired of the stank, i start my lawnmower and park it right next to the hedge, with the exhaust pointed their way, and i let that berkeleyer run until it's out of gas.
Scotty Con Queso said:
Our family calender really has me stressed out. Every. Single. Day. is haul ass home from work to get to a 5:30 game/practice/commitment and bounce around town for other stuff. Divide and conquer. Our calender is literally booked solid. Weekend? What weekend? I need a break from this. Maybe one weekend in August?
when AK2 got her drivers license, i got all kinds of time back. so it happens, eventually. hang in there, Dad.
AngryCorvair (Forum Supporter) said:
we have a privacy hedge between our yards. when i get tired of the stank, i start my lawnmower and park it right next to the hedge, with the exhaust pointed their way, and i let that berkeleyer run until it's out of gas.
That right there is why 90% of the time I... oh, never mind.
I don't smoke it, but I do quite enjoy the smell.
NickD said:
I berkeleying hate the smell of marijuana and every since NY legalized it for recreational use, you literally cannot go anywhere without smelling the E36 M3.
It's like that in Colorado too. I'm just glad Texas will never legalized the stuff.
NickD said:
I berkeleying hate the smell of marijuana and every since NY legalized it for recreational use, you literally cannot go anywhere without smelling the E36 M3.
I was camping last weekend and we went to the beech and the people next to us were smoking a joint that looked like it was rolled in a newspaper. Stunk up the whole beech, I am getting old...get off my lawn.
6/6/23 11:39 a.m.
NY Nick said:
NickD said:
I berkeleying hate the smell of marijuana and every since NY legalized it for recreational use, you literally cannot go anywhere without smelling the E36 M3.
I was camping last weekend and we went to the beech and the people next to us were smoking a joint that looked like it was rolled in a newspaper. Stunk up the whole beech, I am getting old...get off my lawn.
I was walking around the big cemetery in Rome last week (It was 90 and it's quite shady there and you don't have to worry about traffic) and smelled it there. Really?
In reply to NickD :
Same. The stuff reeks, and it's about the only thing that helps SWMBO with various ailments. Either she goes outside and putzes around in her garden for a smoke or she sequesters herself in the bathroom, which requires a very specific combination of fan and window and HVAC settings to not stink up the house. Naturally, SWMBO has never been even remotely detail-oriented, and forgets some steps with regularity. And, already being defensive about smoking the stuff, she develops a serious case of hurt feelings if I remind her to turn off the heat and leave the bathroom window closed and so on.
In reply to DarkMonohue :
I'm guessing edibles don't work fast enough?
6/6/23 12:53 p.m.
I told my mother-in-law that I'd be happy to help them out and zap in a couple patches to replace the rust on the frame of their f150. They dropped it off to me a week before Easter and I haven't had a free minute to even look at it until today. What they call a "frame" is nothing more than rust fragments flying in loose formation. I can't decide if it's good news that the problem on these trucks is so common that Dorman makes a slip-fit, weld-on repair bracket for it. I'm glad they've got it, but, damn Ford! You did such a bad job with corrosion prevention in 2008 that Dorman had to step in?
I guess it's not that big of a deal. The worst part is going to be dropping the fuel tank. I still have nightmares about the last time I dropped a tank and found myself soaked in gasoline and unable to move.
In reply to eastsideTim :
I'm told they're very expensive. There may be other factors but I can't recall.
In reply to eastsideTim :
Some of us are missing the enzyme that converts orally consumed thc to 11 hydroxy thc in the liver, so edibles don't work at all.
In reply to DarkMonohue :
If it bothers you that much Buy this
There are some devices that burn it giving off almost no smell at all, but I can't recall what they are now. A couple we were out with a few years ago were smoking and you couldn't even smell it.
EDIT: Pretty sure it was something like this
6/6/23 4:10 p.m.
Dear wheel bolts,
berkeley you and the horse you rode in on.
With love,
berkeleying FedEx strikes again...
I ordered 4 tires from DTD. They were supposed to be delivered today. Well 3 tires were delivered:

Where is the 4th tire, you ask?

Oh you know, just 4.5 hours away on the opposite coast.
Well done FedEx 
Reply to Nick D and snowdoggie
-Yep, same problem started a few years ago in Colorado. Can’t go to some community events without the overwhelming smell of pot smoke!
6/7/23 10:00 a.m.
City police department: "We are understaffed to the point of it being dangerous due to low officer pay, please fix it"
City council: "No"
City police department: "Okay, we'll just leave and go to other nearby police departments." (officers depart in droves)
City council:

"That's just how it works"
No. berkeleying no. You're a goddamn smoker building company, you know how smokers are supposed to work. 100+ degree difference side to side is not how they're supposed to work.
Good job hunting down and deleting EVERY negative review and keeping people on your reddit payroll to shout down every negative experience. Really makes your entire company look like a bunch of scumberkeleys Dansers.
berkeley pit boss, and their parent company Dansers.
DarkMonohue said:
In reply to eastsideTim :
I'm told they're very expensive. There may be other factors but I can't recall.
More expensive. Takes longer to kick in. Takes longer to fade out. Results are less predictable. Tougher to control level of effect.
For as little as I smoke, I like the pen cartridges. Seems like they have a less pungent aroma, too. Also makes it really easy for me to dial in what effect I want by having strains with different effects in different pens and taking small hits off of each.