My son and I want to convert our 1959 Alfa Romeo Giulietta spider to wire wheels. From searching the web, I have discovered that Longstone in England sells Borranis (5 X 15s) for £5,807 per wheel (can that be right?!), while Dayton wires are about $450-$550 each, but they need to see the spline drive hub in order to match the wheel to it. The rub is where to find said hubs? We are converting to 4 wheel discs, as well:) I know this is not going to be an inexpensive conversion, but. . .
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.
Moved to the Grassroots board & bumped so it will be seen. 
2/18/14 2:24 p.m.
Might be easiest to try to convert it to Austin Healy or MGA hubs and then you can buy existing wheels. I am sure someone has rear disks with splines, but i am not sure who. I would love to see pictures of your car. I have a 63 Giulia Spider.
2/18/14 3:04 p.m.
You aren't going to find spline drive hubs for that car. And why are you bothering with the rear discs? Those Alfas had huge alloy drums that were among the best of the period. Front discs I can see, but other than bragging rights and a semi-functional hand brake, the rears won't give you a thing.
Forget the Borranis - you'll end up with a ton of unneeded money in the car for a non-stock 'improvement that you'll never recoup when you sell it.
If you must have wires, the Daytons would be the way to go.
You'll either have to talk them into doing you a set of adaptors to your Alfa bolt pattern, or come up with some yourself. Or you could make up an adaptor with the 5 bolt on the inside and 4 on 4.5" on the outside and use Triumph adaptors, but all that is adding more and more offset to the wheels and you may get fender interference.