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eastsideTim UltimaDork
6/5/23 2:53 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

Sorry to hear that.  I've pretty much cut a family member out of my life (as much as possible, anyway), and it sucks, but I also knew it was necessary.



CAinCA GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/5/23 4:18 p.m.

In reply to mtn :

I went through this with my parents about 20 years ago. We're now (last 10+ years) going through it with my BIL/SIL/FIL and unfortunately MIL. It sucks to go through, but the win is that if you do go through with it your life will actually get better.

wae PowerDork
6/5/23 5:33 p.m.

I wasn't looking for it, but as I was scrolling through our bank's app, my eldest's saving account balance zipped by.  Without any reminding, direct encouragement, nagging, or anything like that from me, in the last month she's managed to add a decent dollar amount to her total.  Apparently she was paying attention, after all!

CAinCA GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/5/23 5:50 p.m.

In reply to wae :

Good job Dad!

My wife keeps saying that our daughter spends all of her money and doesn't save. E36 M3! That girl has WAYYYYYY more money in the bank than I did at her age or even when I was 10+ years older. She's got about the same amount my son had when he went away to college.

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/5/23 6:30 p.m.
Appleseed said:

In reply to Antihero :


Did I find you?

Or did you find me?

Exactly, and the best dogs Ive had have found me.


As my friend says, these are the kinds of Cosmic Roadsigns that you don't ignore. 

classicJackets (FS)
classicJackets (FS) SuperDork
6/7/23 10:47 a.m.

Ran 6.2 miles last night, 10s/mile quicker than the last time I did. Feel good today too.

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
6/7/23 11:14 a.m.

In reply to Antihero :

I always thought the "let the dog choose you" thing was BS until I got my lab/pointer mix (who's now in Heaven) from the pound.  She was in a cage with another dog I was trying to pet.  She literally pushed that dog out the way so I would pet her instead. 

We bought our current dog (Boston Terrier) from a breeder.  I tell my wife that I like the dog more than the dog likes me.   

bigeyedfish Reader
6/9/23 8:51 a.m.

I bought a vehicle that I'm excited to own.  I haven't done that in a long time.  Normally I buy whatever suits most of my needs, some of my desires, and is cheap.  This one suits almost all of my needs and almost all that I would desire in a truck.  It wasn't cheap per se, but I feel that I got a really good deal.

In reply to Antihero :

Mark me down for another T-shirt. I had the bumper sticker on my truck for a long time but sadly removed it when I traded it in. I have a new truck now *hint, hint* wink

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/9/23 7:44 p.m.
stanger_mussle (Supported by GRM undergarments) said:

In reply to Antihero :

Mark me down for another T-shirt. I had the bumper sticker on my truck for a long time but sadly removed it when I traded it in. I have a new truck now *hint, hint* wink

Boy howdy, I wish you had ordered some sort of garment that was shipped to you so that I knew your address.


But that's impossible, absolutely impossible 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/10/23 12:10 a.m.
Scotty Con Queso said:

In reply to Antihero :

I always thought the "let the dog choose you" thing was BS until I got my lab/pointer mix (who's now in Heaven) from the pound.  She was in a cage with another dog I was trying to pet.  She literally pushed that dog out the way so I would pet her instead. 

We bought our current dog (Boston Terrier) from a breeder.  I tell my wife that I like the dog more than the dog likes me.   

It's remarkable when they pick you. My first dog, I was 8 and we were looking for a mid sized female dog but the ones the shelter had weren't very interested. They had a large breed( we later found out it was an Anatolian mix) male dog that was all over me, but my dad was firm.

That little puppy threw himself at the cage door and howled when we walked away, so much that we had to bring him home. He was a great dog and I miss him.


My second dog was another Anatolian mix. He was 4 weeks old when I got him. Someone had dumped him at a bus shelter with a bunch of flea powder on him and walked away. The lady at the shelter that showed me him had fostered him for a week already and told me not to expect much from him, he didn't care about anyone and never interacted.


She tried to get him to react in her arms but he didn't care and just wanted to sleep. She handed him to me and said " Well, I tried, sorry".


He opened his eyes, licked my face and just stared at me. His eyes were still blue he was so young. We went to fill out the paperwork and they told me they had to nueter him, but he was so young it would be risky. Anatolians are very sketchy with barbiturate anesthesia too and they refused other options. I was told " But if your puppy died, you can get another one for free!" My mom being the awesome mom she is , took the lady out of the room and made a distraction. I tucked my puppy under my arm, threw down the adoption money and went out of the room looking like the Heisman Trophy. They were .....less than pleased with me but I absolutely was not gonna let them kill this puppy because of their protocols. I would have gladly brought him back later when it was safer for him and got him neutered but they absolutely refused.


Got puppy in the car and into his box so he could sit beside me and if he was messy it would be ok. Puppy vehemently did not want to do anything besides be on my lap and was trying to jump out of the box the whole time. After about 2 dozen attempts, he stayed down for a minute.....and then I smelled that he had pooped in the box.


Puppy stands up in the box and looks me in the eye as happy as is ever seen a puppy, saying " Now you HAVE to take me out of the box!!!" Little bastard was always way too smart and way too stubborn for his own good.


So that's how I ended up with my new puppy ,in my lap, for 2 hours while my mom drove us home. He just stared at me the whole time too.


Man I miss both of them.....

Wayslow Dork
6/10/23 10:05 a.m.

classicJackets (FS)
classicJackets (FS) SuperDork
6/12/23 6:55 p.m.

Harbor freight tool box came in 2 weeks early, and I found an extra coupon on HF website so I ended up with $155 off the box in orange compared to the "preferred" colors.

NY Nick
NY Nick GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/12/23 7:42 p.m.

I entered my picnic table in the local car show yesterday and won people's choice. That was cool but the fun part was driving to and from the show. People really liked what I built and we all had fun. 

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/14/23 9:07 p.m.

Peabody MegaDork
6/15/23 5:03 p.m.

Two age related wins.

The hour meter on my bike has a clock function. I needed to set the time and didn't have to get somebody a fraction of my age to help.

There's a research university/hospital about 45 minutes away and they are doing trials on muscle loss in seniors, and the effects of protein intake and light exercise to slow it down. They've been recruiting people through the local oldies station and since I thought it sounded interesting I volunteered. They rejected me. The reason? My BMI and physical conditioning are too good.

Datsun310Guy MegaDork
6/15/23 5:07 p.m.

In reply to NY Nick :

Have we seen this?

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/15/23 5:34 p.m.
Datsun310Guy said:

In reply to NY Nick :

Have we seen this?

"I entered my picnic table at a car show" is one of those sentences you are unlikely to see anywhere else...

Antihero GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
6/15/23 7:54 p.m.
Antihero said:

And the name he reacts to is Kuiper, so that's cool since it's space themed and not normal 

Scotty Con Queso
Scotty Con Queso UltraDork
6/16/23 7:29 a.m.

I'm down 3lbs from a week of exercise and eating right.  I know some of that is bloat/water since I've been a glutton for the last few weeks, but I'll take it.  It feels good to be working towards being healthy and in shape again.  

Second win is that my softball team sweeped the double header last night.  I got some outs, got some hits, got some runs.  I'll take it.  Not bad for a 38-year old who hasn't played on an organized sports team since 8th grade.  

NY Nick
NY Nick GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/16/23 9:14 a.m.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
Datsun310Guy said:

In reply to NY Nick :

Have we seen this?

"I entered my picnic table at a car show" is one of those sentences you are unlikely to see anywhere else...

We have but I don't want to turn it into a timber frame house deal so I try not to always talk about it...

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/16/23 1:15 p.m.

I don't know how much it cost when I bought it, but I don't care.  This ultra stubby flex-handle 1/2" impact gun has saved my bacon on more than one occasion.

slefain UltimaDork
6/16/23 2:39 p.m.

Picked up two new clients this week. That will give us some breathing room once the invoices start coming in. Whew.

In reply to Antihero :

OMG you guys are awesome! I also received my sweet Interstellar Sledgehammer T-shirt today. 

Now I just gotta wait for it to stop storming outside so I can install some adhesive kickassery on my truck. 

DarkMonohue GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/17/23 8:43 p.m.

The boy has been picking up speed on his balance bike, so I bid on this little Razor scooter to make it a little easier to keep up. Today we went out for a ride together and ended up putting in a full seven miles.

The scooter looks like a brand new unit that was probably donated to Goodwill because the headset bearings were clunking around. After a quick adjustment and tire inflation, it was good to go. It's actually a perfect match to the balance bike in terms of pace.  Worked out just great today.

The "seven miles" part of the story might be better suited to the Minor Rant thread.  I am thrashed.


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