Fester the F150 was shaking like a dog E36 M3ting razorblades last week.Threw a CEL: misfire cylinder 7. Fester has the 5.4 with the detachable spark plugs. They like to become 2 peice plugs, snapping off inside the head. Oh God , please let it just be a bad coil. Please, please, please.
It was a bad coil.
2/4/24 8:57 p.m.
Datsun240ZGuy said:
DarkMonohue said:
slefain said:
Through what can only be described as an odd chance of happenstance, my wife acquired several cases Totino's pizza rolls...for free. 4,000 to be exact.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. You don't just casually mention that you have fallen backward into 4,000 cases of Totino's pizza rolls and then walk away. This is a story that must be told.
Yes, the story AND your storage plan
Sorry, wasn't quite clear. We ended up with a total of 4,000 pizza rolls, so just a few cases. But 4k pizza rolls took up all the freezer space we had in the house. We gave away 12 bags already and still have a chest freezer full. The kids have been eating them daily. I'm cooking some right now, then I'm going to eat them while playing video games.
2/4/24 9:13 p.m.
You're living your 12 year old self's best life right now
In reply to Sonic :
just need a two liter of mountain dew and a blockbuster rental for 12 year old nirvana
In reply to gixxeropa :
24 pack of canned Mountain Dew, and Contra in the NES.
Let's do this
Started my new job today, much smaller company and it seems relaxed. It's nice to meet the entire company on the first day instead of working at a place for 3 years and maybe knowing 1/20th of the people I see in the hallway
Not actually useful to us, but my wife and I learned today we both have credit scores over 800, so that's cool
Geico non renewed me because I keep cars stored at a place not my residence.
The win is, I signed back up with Progressive after 25 years. My 6 month bill is roughly what one month of Geico was. I'm saving $200 per month.
In reply to gixxeropa :
I worked at a 100 person rubber hose shop and a curmudgeon 75-year old salesman told me to not introduce any new employees to him until they were there 90 days. He met his share.
Datsun240ZGuy said:
In reply to gixxeropa :
I worked at a 100 person rubber hose shop and a curmudgeon 75-year old salesman told me to not introduce any new employees to him until they were there 90 days. He met his share.
I remember the first day I walked into the job I currently have and after sticking out my hand and introducing myself the guy I was working for (but his boss had hired me) said "eh, I don't need to know. You won't be here long enough." That was November 2006.
Fajitas tonight. She absolutely nailed it.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
In reply to gixxeropa :
24 pack of canned Mountain Dew, and Contra in the NES.
Let's do this
I wish I realized at the time that, that.....that was the best life.
In fact I now may do that this weekend but add roughly 19 bottles of scotch
Datsun240ZGuy said:
In reply to gixxeropa :
I worked at a 100 person rubber hose shop and a curmudgeon 75-year old salesman told me to not introduce any new employees to him until they were there 90 days. He met his share.
There's probably 80 people in my building and over 500 in the company. I rarely learn new folks names before the 6 month mark. It's surprising how many folks come and go and I never learn their names. Sometimes nicknames. There was a kid we called shrek, he lasted 4 months.
In reply to barefootcyborg5000 :
I worked in a plant with 1100 people, extremely low turnover, and we worked 12hr shifts meaning you never saw the other shift unless you worked overtime, which I did frequently. After 10 years I was still meeting new people.
Toyman! said:
This is pretty minor but still a win.
We have had a couple of orchids on our kitchen window sill for 5 years. They are typical cheap orchids that were drug store purchases on Mother's day or Valentine's day. Bought for the wife with blooms and never to bloom again. We've probably thrown out a bunch of them over the years. Last year something odd happenened. One of them produced a few flowers. I was shocked. My brown thumbs had coaxed a plant to bloom by accident. Out of boredom and on a whim, I did some digging to see if I could get it to bloom on purpose. It turns out, it's kind of simple. They need to be trimmed. They don't like direct sunlight but need lots of light. When it comes time to bloom, they need to be cold at night. So last year, I trimmed them and pretty much left them alone in the kitchen window throughout the summer. When cold weather hit, I started dropping a couple of ice cubes in the pot in the evenings every week or so.
Fast forward to today. I have 3 blooms and close to a dozen buds on two orchids.

Apparently, I should clean this window at some point. 
They really are a beautiful flower.

They are still going. 11 blooms and more buds working on opening.

New job gets fresh roasted coffee and has a grinder and espresso machine. Finally good coffee instead of the lacroix like coffee water at my last place
2/8/24 11:55 a.m.
In reply to gixxeropa :
I call that "secretary juice". There was some discussion of it in the rants thread a few days ago.
Got to use a mill for the first time today, my tolerances were probably better measured in tenths than thousands but I have all my fingers and the bracket fit great, so it's a win
This week was the third consecutive week of rickdamndiculous deliverables to the B team of an otherwise outstanding architectural firm that not only has no idea what it means to put your pencil down, but is also failing spectacularly to manage the expectations of a capricious municipality that has more money than common sense. And for the third week in a row, our skeleton crew has gritted our teeth and delivered. It sucked out loud, and we did it anyhow.
Now I'm sitting at home after putting the kid to bed, reaching for the fourth Session lager and making rapid progress through a variety of delicious (considering the modest outlay) Family Size snack type food items while 400 cases of Coors make their way to Atlanta, GA through 95 glorious minutes of tire-smoking malaise-era Pontiac product placement. Tonight I'll sleep with the comforting moan of Quadrajets floating around my dreams.
Tomorrow it might not rain. That means I might have an excuse to run the chainsaw for a bit and then engage Truck Stuff mode by way of loading the J20 up with some tree trash. It ain't glamorous, but it's fun to play grownup sometimes.
Found this site https://roadcurvature.com/ which is kinda simplistic but entertaining. Find the curviest roads on the planet.
I lost my job. Well, actually I know right where I left it. They said they were making changes so after 17 years I'm looking for another job. Why is that a win? I realized the thing I felt most was relief, it had worn on me for years to where I wasn't interested in much except work and that's not healthy. So, vacation then looking for something new!
In reply to chandler :
I'm getting very close myself.
My win today - The junkyard had a mostly complete Mazda5, so I was able to get a replacement for the sliding door handle I broke during the recent deep freeze. Just need to get some matching touch up paint for it. The Miata there was pretty picked over, but I was able to grab a jack and jack handle from it, since mine was missing both when I bought it. Better, was able to hang out with my nephew for a while.
In reply to chandler :
You should buy some rims to celebrate.
New batteries at all the Flaps start at $170, got one at rural king for $90 yesterday.